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I should have gone to the art museum today instead of running errands. I had an overwhelming urge to do so, but suppressed it.

Instead, I'm sitting at the library. In the sun. Responding to emails. Trying to use Ozone.
Listening to Yanni.
I love Yanni.

I have to take the food handler's class for the third time tomorrow morning. I also need a liquor license. I do not know where to acquire this.

Lindsey and I spent 3.5 hours at the community college yesterday, and accomplished virtually nothing. Stand in line, ask a question that you think will gain the proper information, get on the computer, discover a problem with your account, repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
It's so frustrating to know that if you ask the wrong question (because you don't know what question to ask, because you don't know how every facet of college works) you will receive an answer (maybe) that doesn't help. My self-righteousness wanted to stand on a chair in the middle of the enrollment line and scream, "OU RULES MOTHASUCKASSSSS," and storm out angrily, causing all the useless forms to spiral around me in a lovely tornado of green and yellow. At hour 3.25, we considered breaking into the "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" closet. We didn't. Yet another batch of spontaneous urges that should not have been suppressed.

This is a not-so-great picture of what is on the other side of the window I'm sitting next to.
I'm getting really hot.

I miss my friends who are not here.
For the first time in my life, I feel out of place living at home with my parents. I think this will be the last summer I do so. It's that awkward I'm-not-a-teenager-but-not-really-an-adult-but--feel-like-an-adult-mostly situation.

Can you dehydrate Coke?

Comments (2)

Ahhhh TCC faaaaiiill................

I have high hopes for that closet.

you definitely should have gone to the museum, though i do like that library. did you know mother goose is out back?

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